Customer Stories - QuadC

Cambrian College increased administrative efficiency by 500%.

Written by QuadC | Feb 5, 2024 5:48:42 PM


Located in Sudbury Ontario, Cambrian College is Northern Ontario’s largest college, serving 5,000 full-time and part-time students from more than 50 countries. Cambrian College specializes in offering career-focused programs with hands-on learning experiences that help students become job ready. With over 90 programs ranging from 1-year certificates to 2-3 year diplomas and degrees, Cambrian offers a wide array of subjects including trades, health sciences, IT, graphic design, nursing, business, and data analytics. The college caters to a diverse student population, attracting students aged 19-25 as well as more mature students, with a significant number of Indigenous students and high international enrollment from countries such as India, China, Honduras, and Nigeria. After struggling with an in-house platform to service its mix of professional tutors and peer tutors, Cambrian College needed a solution to help improve student access to tutoring and support student success across its diverse range of students. 

Key Results

In Cambrian College's first year using QuadC, they achieved:

  • 3,482 tutoring sessions
  • 143% increase in tutoring sessions
  • 50% reduction in administrative costs
  • 500% increase in administrative effectiveness

The Challenge

Before the implementation of QuadC, Cambrian College faced several challenges in managing their tutoring department. They were using an in-house built system that required constant involvement from the IT department for any updates or data extraction. The system only allowed professional tutors to be booked, making it difficult for peer tutors to use the platform. Additionally, tutors had to manually book their own appointments, leading to delays and a cumbersome process for both tutors and students.

“Before QuadC, we had tutors say it wasn’t worth their time to work as tutors because of the amount of time it took them to schedule tutoring sessions with students. With QuadC, tutors are eager to join our tutoring program.” - Marnie S,  Library & Learning Centre Manager @ Cambrian College


The Solution

The implementation of QuadC has significantly improved the efficiency of managing tutoring sessions at Cambrian College. The platform allows for easy direction of students to sign in or search for a tutor, eliminating the need for in-person appointments and providing a user-friendly interface. QuadC has streamlined the booking and scheduling of tutoring sessions by enabling tutors to easily set up their availability and allowing students to view all available tutors for their courses. Moreover, the platform accommodates both professional and peer tutors, making the process more inclusive and accessible for students.

The overall student experience with tutoring services has notably improved since the adoption of QuadC. Students find it easier to book sessions, resulting in an increase in the number of tutoring hours. The platform has facilitated the expansion of tutoring services, allowing for more students to access support. By analyzing data on the QuadC platform, Cambrian College can also easily monitor the subjects that are offered by tutors and recruit tutors for subjects with high failure rates, ultimately contributing to improved student retention and academic success.

“Prior to QuadC, we had an in-house tutoring system and had to contact someone in our IT department any time that we needed to make changes, but after implementing QuadC, we are able to service all of our needs ourselves, reducing the burden on the IT department.” - Marnie S,  Library & Learning Centre Manager @ Cambrian College

The Results

The implementation of QuadC has revolutionized Cambrian College's tutoring services, making it easier for students to access support and improving the efficiency of the tutoring department. Now, Cambrian College has been able nearly triple its tutoring sessions with fewer program administrators, ultimately contributing to the academic success and retention of students.