Academic Affairs

What is academic affairs?

Academic affairs is the centralized administrative unit within a college or university that is responsible for academic programs and services. It is one of the three major divisions in most colleges and universities, along with academic faculties and student affairs.
The academic affairs office provides an array of services to the institution and its students and faculty. Academic advisers assist students in defining their academic goals and offer support during degree progress, while course scheduling provides the opportunity for students to plan their courses each semester. The office also oversees tuition payment, financial aid, scholarships, enrollment management, compliance with accreditation standards, degree certification, among other things.

There are a lot of new things to get used to in college. Some things might be easier than you think, while others will take a little longer. But there’s one thing you can’t miss: academic affairs. From your courses and professors to campus resources, academic affairs is the backbone of your time spent here on campus. As an undergraduate student, you have tons of opportunities just waiting for you from student success programs to resources for commuter students. 

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