Teaching Styles

What are teaching styles?

Teaching styles are ways of teaching that are based on the style of the person teaching. There are many different types of teaching styles, but it is important to remember that there is no one type that is better than another. Different people teach in different ways and what works for one person may not work for another.

Didactic Teaching Style: This method relies heavily on lectures and teachers presenting information to their students. The focus is usually on factual knowledge. This method relies heavily on lectures and teachers presenting information to their students. The focus is usually on factual knowledge.

Socratic Teaching Style: This method uses questioning to guide the discussion with the goal being to stimulate critical thinking about content learned in school. This method uses questioning to guide the discussion with the goal being to stimulate critical thinking about content learned in school. 

Paired Teaching Style: This technique involves two teachers working together as a team, with one teacher typically providing reinforcement or correction.

Elaborative Teaching Style: An elaborative style of teaching is also teacher-centered but has more student participation with the instructor asking for examples or explanations from the class. This type of teaching can be very beneficial for all students because it gives them an opportunity to voice their opinions or feelings on a topic being discussed.

Cooperative Teaching Style: A cooperative style of teaching is where students are involved in the discussion and have opportunities to explore various points of view about a topic with other members in the group or class setting. Especially if the topic is difficult or confusing, this type of teaching may be best.

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