Improve student retention with early detection

With early intervention measures in place, you can help students get back on track and reduce failure and drop-out rates.

Automatic Support

Students who feel supported are more likely to succeed. Early alert programs are designed to bring your attention to those who are struggling academically- before it’s too late to help them!

When a student is underperforming, our system will update your administrators who can then take swift action. By proactively supporting students you will not only improve retention rates, but also help your student success department(s) run more efficiently

QuadC has created an intuitive, versatile, and powerful early alert system that will help your school for years to come.

Early alerts for students
Early alerts is a feature of the quadC system

Student Success at The Centre

Our unique platform helps faculty, while simultaneously ushering in a revolution for student-focussed systems. Our early alert program gets students the appropriate help when they need it most. And with the ability to send pre-written messages in-app, you can communicate instantly.

By integrating your QuadC early alert system with our other services, you can create a holistic ecosystem that is enormously effective in terms of cost and impact. QuadC will open new possibilities for administrative efficiency and impact.

See accurate Data

You require accurate and insightful data. Through QuadC, you can see student usage patterns, administrators’ schedules, and statistics on early alert performance.

When you have all the information available to you, you can make better decisions faster.

QuadC gives advisors accurate data
dashboards to see how well students are doing

Amplified Administrative Impact

When built on top of strong organizational foundations, early alert systems can create the lasting impact you want. This system can facilitate genuine connection between administrators and students.

To learn more about early alert systems, read the authoritative guide we have written for you. This article will help you know what questions to ask, and how an early alert system can change everything.

Want more? Our expert team would love to share the possibilities of QuadC with you. Click below to book an information session with one of our experts.

All This And More

You work hard to support your students.
Discover a cost-effective, flexible solution that can be leveraged for a wide range of academic support services.

...and much more!

educator teaching student

Learn more about how QuadC can benefit your school